You have been diligent about getting your mammograms done each year. Then Boom! After your most recent mammogram, you received the devastating news, that you have been diagnosed with stage 3 or even worse, stage 4 breast cancer. How is that even remotely possible? You have been extremely diligent about getting tested. Oh wait, What’s that slogan that they have been feeding the world?
Oh, here it is: EARLY DETECTION IS THE BEST PREVENTION. Does that sound familiar? Yes indeed! And while that slogan holds true…
Hold on. Let me let you in on a little secret:
Mammograms DO NOT detect EARLY STAGES of breast cancer. Say what? You heard me right. Mammograms can only detect cancer when the tumor is LARGE ENOUGH. That simply means that it has been growing for a few years, hence the advanced stages of breast cancer when diagnosed.
Feel free to ask your doctor if a mammogram can detect cancers while in the EARLY STAGES.
My mission is to help you to understand, that it is far more rewarding, when we educate ourselves and condition our minds, on how to PREVENT CANCER and stop wasting precious time DETECTING CANCER.
In my ebook NOURISH WITH NATURE, I have compiled some of my favorite juices, smoothies and herbal teas and I am sharing them with you.
Why? Because I am sick and tired of losing my loved ones and people around the world, to cancer and other chronic illnesses that could have prevented the life of suffering and side effects from chemotherapy and/or radiation; had they known that they could have a better quality of life, if only they had NOURISHED WITH NATURE.
Hi, I’m Angeline Temple and I am totally committed to inspiring others to heal themselves naturally with nutrition and lifestyle.
As a cancer survivor and thriver since 2004, I became the CEO of my health when I was later diagnosed with endometriosis. After a failed surgical procedure to ‘cure’ the endometriosis and having to deal with a doctor, whose only OTHER option was to remove my uterus (hysterectomy), I was entirely fed up and tired of the prescription medications accompanied by adverse side effects.
I already had both breasts removed (bilateral mastectomy) and wasn’t about to have any other body parts removed by anyone! After much research and a newfound commitment to my health, I plunged head on into a holistic lifestyle.
Living in this holistic realm is unparralel to that of any other experience that I can imagine.
For me, there is no turning back.
Nourish With Nature is a compilation of over 60 of my favorite juices, smoothies and herbal tea recipes, that I incorporate on a daily basis to Nourish my Temple from the inside out. I would love for you to Nourish With Nature as much as you possibly can, even if you are not faced with any health issues. Our bodies are highly intelligent machines that wants to heal.
I have received lots of feedback from people wanting to know what fruits and vegetables compliments each other resulting in a d’luscious and palatable juice or smoothie blend. Just so you know, I am an avid juicer. Yes I love my juices and smoothies and herbal teas. In addition to eating loads of fruits and vegetables, juicing has really changed my life. And because I want you to reap the benefits of a healthy lifestyle, I have cut out the work guess work for you. Yes darling. You don’t have to figure out what fruits and/or vegetables to combine without losing your mind. I have done it all for you!
You can thank me later. You’re welcome!
By the time a mammogram detects breast cancer, it had been growing for approximately 8 – 10 years. Let’s give it the benefit of the doubt and say approximately 5 years. Whether it be five, eight or ten years, you have been living with that cancer for a mighty long time. And guess what? Prior to your diagnosis, you were living your life without fear and the added stress of this newly acquired (or what you THINK is a newly acquired) disease.
If the cancer was going to or supposed to kill you; don’t you believe it would have done so, five, eight or ten years ago?
So what’s the rush? Why do you need to begin chemotherapy and/or radiation, right now?
Chemotherapy and radiation are toxic! Why use poison to kill poison? Sure, they may target a specific cancer cell but keep in mind that chemotherapy also damages the surrounding cells; and when the cancer returns it is usually VERY aggressive.
Truth be told; unless your primary care physician is a holistic, naturopathic or functional medicine doctor, you will continue to be TREATED for your disease with prescription medication and/or surgery. Unless you become the CEO of your health, and learn how to NOURISH WITH NATURE, your health will gradually decline. Nutrition is barely taught in medical school. They are only required to complete a few hours.
So, of course if you mention that you would like to reverse your health condition with nutrition and lifestyle, they will probably look at you as if you have two heads.
Prescription medication will only suppress your symptoms. Whenever you take them, you are telling your body to shut up, when all your body wants to do is heal.
How many people do you know that have been diagnosed with diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and/or gut health issues, which have been ongoing for 5, 10, 15 or even 26 years?
Ask yourself this question:
Regular Bowel Movements: If you are not having at least 3 bowel movements per day, you are constipated. All diseases begins in the gut. Adding lots of fiber into your diet will increase regularity.
Weight Loss: Your body will begin to eliminate unwanted toxins. As a result, the weight will fall of effortlessly.
Healing: You will begin to heal your body on a cellular level from the inside out.
Reduce Medical Bills: Nobody enjoys spending those long boring hours at the doctors office anyway. I sure don’t.
Weaning off drugs: Your physician may reduce or completely eliminate the need for prescription medications. Once your lab results are within normal ranges, your physician will have no other choice but to wean you off your medications.
Increased Energy: you will begin to feel alive! Spend more quality time with your loved ones doing the things that brings you joy.
The answer is No. Regardless of what ails you, keep in mind that plants are nature’s ‘farm’acy. I speak passionately about cancer because I am a breast cancer survivor who understands the power of plants: fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and herbs.
If you are suffering from any health related symptoms that includes but is not limited to high blood pressure, diabetes, hemorrhoids, constipation, arthritis, erectile dysfunction, digestive issues, asthma, anemia, fibroids, PCOS, infertility, hormonal imbalance, acne, psoriasis, yeast infections, bacterial vaginosis, depression and anxiety, you will experience a dramatic transformation of symptoms, while your body reap the rewards of NOURISHING WITH NATURE.
That’s my skinny little D’Angelo at the petting zoo, feeding the goat.
My son, D’Angelo was diagnosed with asthma when he was about 7 years old. Since birth, he had never been diagnosed with any breathing problems. He was never a sickly child. However on one day he complained about not feeling well and whenever you touched his belly he said it hurt. I took him to the doctor and they diagnosed him with pneumonia. In addition to pnemonia, they also diagnosed him with astma. Prior to this visit, I had NEVER witnessed my child struggling to breath or with any breathing problem.
He was prescribed a nebulizer and steroids (albuterol) and in addition to that, I was referred to a specialist who performed allergy tests, which revealed that he was allergic to the sun, the moon, the stars, the mountain and the entire universe itself. This was all new to me. I thought it was all crockery. Anyway, I complied. This being my first encounter with asthma, I would immediately put him on the nebulizer if he if I heard him cough, because I thought he was having an asthma attack.
Not one doctor bothered to explain that steroids would cause massive weight gain and a host of other side effects.
My child health only got worse. He was teased for being fat. You already know how cruel kids can be.
One day, I just stopped cold turkey with the medications. All it did was make him fat and angry.
Please note: I am not telling you to stop your medications. I’m simply sharing my experience.
It was time to take matters into my own hands. I was determined to get my baby back to his original size.
I stopped buying processed foods and loaded the kitchen counter with so many fruits to the point where my visitors thought they were fake. I juiced and blended heavily and religiously.
I began to educate myself and knowing there was power in plants. I even stopped vaccinating my children.
He was so happy to be slim again. He had to show off his new set of abs with zero rolls. Even the teachers at school noticed his weight loss.
Oh and here is D’Angelo again; zero weight gain; no belly rolls AND the dogs that they had claimed he was also allergic to.
To date, I have not given D’Angelo another dose of albuterol and he is no where near obese or overweight. He is now 20 years old.
An ebook is a digital version of a printed book; designed to be read on a computer, laptop, smartphone or tablet or any device that supports PDF’s.
No. If you are suffering from any health related symptoms that includes but is not limited to high blood pressure, diabetes, hemorrhoids, constipation, arthritis, erectile dysfunction, digestive issues, asthma, anemia, fibroids, PCOS, infertility, hormonal imbalance, acne, psoriasis, yeast infections, bacterial vaginosis, depression and anxiety, you will experience a dramatic transformation of symptoms, while your body reap the rewards of NOURISHING WITH NATURE.
I speak passionately about cancer because I am a breast cancer survivor AND thriver, but trust and believe NOURISH WITH NATURE will assist you with restoring balance for optimal health.
When you purchase your copy, the digital download will be sent to you INSTANTLY. You will receive an email with a link to download your NOURISH WITH NATURE ebook. Once downloaded you can view your NOURISH WITH NATURE on your smartphone, laptop, tablet or computer,
You can download NOURISH WITH NATURE to your smartphone, laptop or desktop.
An ebook saves on shipping charges, which save you money. You don’t have to wait for it to arrive in the mail. Regardless of where you are in the world, you can gain instant access to NOURISH WITH NATURE and immediately begin to take responsibility for your health, by preparing and consuming all the healthy recipes with nutrient dense foods.
At this time, I DO NOT have plans on printing a physical book. The highly demanded digital version has exceeded my expectations.