

Pumpernickel Toast with Grilled Sockeye Salmon, Ackee and Avocado

Finding new and improved ideas and techniques for cooking and serving ackee is intriguing. Reinventing and recreating ackee dishes has become an obsession that I choose to live with. Ackee is a component of Jamaica’s national dish. The food enthusiast in me, always wants to turn it up a notch or maybe two. It’s  smooth…

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May 20, 2014

Grilled Pink Salmon

There is definitely a bond between my food and I. We have sort of a  telepathic relationship. We communicate through extrasensory channels. The food presents itself to me and I communicate by executing pure divinity; pure awesomeness. My food is always pleased. It accepts the total transformation from beginning to end. My food gets even…

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September 5, 2012

Salmon and Shrimp in Coconut Curry Sauce

In Jamaica it is customary to have tropical fishes on the dinner table. Salmon isn’t one of our traditional fish. Yellow and Red Tail Snapper, Parrot, Butter and Goat fishes, to name a few,  are some of our favorites. I personally love those colorful, exotic looking fishes.  Not only are they visually appealing, they are loaded…

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January 16, 2012