

Improve Libido and Erectile Dysfunction Naturally

Just like all other pharmaceutical drugs, those little blue pills comes with side effects. Whenever a man has a heart attack, one of the first question that comes to my mind is, “was he taking viagra?”  Even though I don’t communicate my thoughts verbally to family or friends who experience this issue, the question lingers…

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January 24, 2018

It’s beginning to look at lot like Christmas!

Why Lord why do I have to be such a perfectionist? If y’all only knew how many days I had to wait for the perfect sunlight just to capture this scene! But! It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Thank God my cakes are laced with white rum and red wine. See, that’s the beauty about…

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December 24, 2017

Why I became the CEO of my health

Hi, I’m Angeline A Jamaican Queen, Holistic Health Coach, Holistic Chef, Author, Speaker and cancer survivor residing in the United States of America.  I have birthed two handsome men, Robert and D’Angelo, who have contributed tremendously to my will to live. As I embraced the holistic lifestyle, I became the go-to person for all things health and wellness,…

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October 22, 2017

How I use healing foods including cannabis oil to manage endometriosis

In an attempt to correct endometriosis, I complied with my doctors orders to have surgery; only to discover two months later that the surgical procedure was a complete failure; as the symptoms reappeared. (Talk about a waste of my time and life). The pain and symptoms of endometriosis is  extremely excruciating, unbearable, horrible and oh so graphic, that…

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August 14, 2017

Ease your pain from endometriosis with this awesome Apple Ginger juice blend!

When I was diagnosed with breast cancer back in 2004, I told my cousin Carol, “The doctor says I have cancer. One of us has to go, and it sure ain’t gonna be me!” Endometriosis done lost it’s freaking mind trying to invade my Temple. Where does endometriosis thinks it’s going? Endometriosis you have zero…

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February 12, 2017