One Hour Health Consultation



A consultation is ideal for anyone who would like to get health and nutrition questions answered and needs guidance on dietary and lifestyle changes.

I begin by reviewing your health, nutrition and lifestyle history, current symptoms and health goals with you. Based on the information gathered, I will provide recommendations (actionable takeaways) that you can implement.

If you need further guidance, we can keep working together (for six months to a year) to determine the most appropriate health and nutritional plan and the level of support for the goals you wish to achieve.

Consultations can be scheduled as needed, in person or via telephone sessions. You will receive the ongoing support that you desire to achieve your health and wellness goals.



A consultation is ideal for anyone who would like to get health and nutrition questions answered and needs guidance on dietary and lifestyle changes.

I begin by reviewing your health, nutrition and lifestyle history, current symptoms and health goals with you. Based on the information gathered, I will provide recommendations (actionable takeaways) that you can implement.

If you need further guidance, we can keep working together (for six months to a year) to determine the most appropriate health and nutritional plan and the level of support for the goals you wish to achieve.

Consultations can be scheduled as needed, in person or via telephone sessions. You will receive the ongoing support that you desire to achieve your health and wellness goals.


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