Just because you were prescribed insulin, doesn’t mean you need to pump it into your body EVERYDAY. First and foremost; If you are diabetic, you should own a glucometer, so you can monitor your blood sugar levels.
Now let me just say this: I am not a doctor. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking medical attention because of something your read or accessed on my page, website or any of my social media platforms. This information is Intended to support health and healing, not to replace medical treatment.
I have witnessed far too many diabetic who have been hospitalized due to falling into a diabetic coma, which is life threatening. This message needs to be delivered, as it sits heavily on my heart and I feel as if it’s my duty to explain, elaborate and share some information today. I actually woke up from my sleep for this; like out of my bed for this.
It has come to my attention that most diabetics do not understand how this insulin thing works. If you are diabetic, I’m going to assume that you were prescribed insulin and/or metformin or some other prescription for diabetes, because your AIC (glycated hemoglobin) levels in your blood were elevated. Correct?
For those who aren’t familiar with A1C; it’s a test that measures and reflects the ‘average’ of the glucose in your blood over a 3 month period. Somewhere around “6” is normal. Anything over that number puts you at risk for diabetes. (Check with your doctor for A!C chart numbers). I’m not privy to the necessary steps that are taken in your country of origin to diagnose diabetes, but in America, this is how it’s usually done.
I have spoken to many Jamaicans who are diabetics and they have never had and A1c test done, so I’m unsure of the method used to determine their diagnosis. Most Jamaicans with diabetes visit their doctor every three months, get their glucose levels checked (for that specific minute) with a glucometer and test strips. There’s usually no discussion of improvements to their health, whether there should be an increase or decrease in dosage or if the patients may be weaned off of the meds completely. What usually occurs, is another prescription continuing the medication that was previously prescribed. I have collected this information from patients who have seen both public and private doctors in Jamaica.
A glucometer gives you the freedom to monitor your glucose level anywhere, anytime. If I were diabetic, I would check my glucose levels before each meal and about 2 hours after each meal. If there is no food in your system, there is no need for insulin. If your glucose levels are low and you pump insulin into your already low sugar body, your glucose levels are going to drop lower, hence the diabetic coma. Stop inducing diabetic comas! Eat real food!
You may have been instructed to take insulin before each meal, however there is no reason to, if your glucose reading is already low OR is in the normal range. Get in tune with your body. The readings on your glucometer is your guide to assist you in your healing. It is not a device that you want to use for the rest of your life. You don’t have to be diabetic for the rest of your life. Diabetes can be reversed with a nutrition and lifestyle.
Do you own a juicer?
Do you own a blender?
Where do you source your food?
Are you incorporating more fruits and vegetables into your diet?
Juicing is an excellent way for your body to receive vital nutrients. Eating real food nourishes your body on a cellular level. Eat real food. Limit processed foods as much as possible. Avoid fake foods, artificial flavorings, food coloring. Live. Love Laugh.
Are you tired of being diabetic? Would you like to reverse diabetes using a holistic approach? Get started with an initial consultation. Let the healing begin!