Too often I receive an influx of inquires such as:
You’re a cancer survivor, why aren’t you on a 100% raw diet
Can you tell me what’s good for high blood pressure and diabetes?
You eat paleo just like me! Does the paleo diet work?
I see that you eat meat and you say that you are healthy, how is that?
I thought coffee was bad for you?
Should I be drinking a gallon of water each day?
Can you tell me everything that I need to eat to cure cancer?
I’m eating healthy and I still can’t loose weight. Why is that?
Why does my mouth burn when I eat pepper? That never happen in the past, why now?
Contrary to what you may believe, I don’t live in other people’s body, neither am I privy to their lifestyles (unless I’m their heath coach). Therefore, I don’t have the answers to all of those questions. They do. Through inspiration and mentorship, they promote healing within their bodies. People will ask me random questions and expect me to provide them with an overnight cure for an ailment. Without knowledge of their nutrition and lifestyle, I wouldn’t be able to provide proper guidance.
What I do have, is the answers for MY body. I am the President of my body, mind and spirit, therefore, I have absolutely no interest to adapt to every single dietary trend that comes along. As we Jamaicans would say: I am not a ‘wagonist.’ I am in tune with my body. I have experimented and is still experimenting with my body. I know what works and what doesn’t work for MY body.
How do we discover what works for you?
As I continue to work with individuals with these burning questions, we are able to navigate through all the different diet theories to clear up a vast amount of confusion. By sharing more detailed information about their lifestyle, they are able to reflect, go within and find the answers they have been searching for. If they choose to adapt a specific diet, they have my support. And because bland food has no place in my life; I have become an extremely passionate chef and culinary enthusiast, who has the ability to effortlessly customize d’luscious meal plans that tantalizes the palate.
Just as my body is uniquely designed; I would never adamantly impose any specific diet on any individual simply because everyone’s body is uniquely designed. Based on the concept of bioindividuality; what is one man’s food is another man’s poison. I personally have never dieted. I do not believe in diets. I know what works for me. My duty is to empower others to find what works for them,
Cancer has zero power over me!
I refuse to eat a 100% raw diet because my uniquely designed body cannot withstand that. To my body: raw food is cold, damp and cramping. If my goal is to stagnate my blood then sure I would eat raw food. Who the heck wants stagnated blood? Surely not me!
I am a hot blooded. My body strives on warm foods, herbal teas and warm spices. That’s what my body prefers. As much as I juice, I enjoy them most at room temperature. My refrigerator is mainly for perishables. I don’t even like cold fruits. I don’t even like air conditioners.
Take a look at my kitchen. It resembles a farmer’s market because I enjoy my fruits at room temperature. If I eat too much cold foods, my body will seriously beg for soup or hot teas, so I know that a 100% raw diet isn’t for me. I overdose on earth foods but my body prefers them warm, which is the reason I ‘cook’ my food. If a raw diet works for you, more power to you. I’m happy for those who have found a diet that works for them. However, I personally don’t care to for any diets. I experiment with my body all the time and I know what works for me.
Diets don’t work even though they may seem to work at first. Why is that? When you eliminate a certain food or food group for a certain period of time, you will shed a few pounds. Most individual usually report that while dieting to loose weight; after a while they hit a plateau. What needs to be understood is that the body, mind and spirit needs to be aligned for healing to take place.
Dieting alone will not work. You can eat all the healthy foods in the world; drink all the juices and smoothies and probably won’t loose a pound, because dieting and smoothies isn’t the key to healing. Food is secondary to bringing one’s body back into balance. In order to heal, you need to have primary food in your life. Primary food is more than what is on your plate. It’s what brings you JOY: Healthy relationship, fulfilling career, regular exercise and spiritual practice. Primary and secondary foods work synergistically to promote healing, by satisfying your hunger for life.
Ask yourself these questions to assist you in creating balance in your primary food:
Do I love my job?
Do I have healthy relationships?
Am I in a healthy relationship?
How am I doing in the area of exercise?
Am I practicing spirituality, yoga, meditation, religion?
If you answered “no” to any of these questions, it’s time to re-evaluate what may be affecting your health. It may be time for you to become the CEO of Your Health.
What area of primary food needs to be re-evaluated in your life?