Ackee with Cod Loins


ackee with cod loins mise en place

For years, I’ve been asked, “Where do you find time to cook?”
My initial response is, “I don’t find time. I make time.”
People usually make time for what is important to them. Think about what is important to you.
Don’t you always make time for it?

Ensuring that my family is nourished with nature is priority, therefore I spend more money on real food than I do on anything else. Well actually, I spend a sh*t load of money on anything domestic. I don’t care how expensive it is. If I truly want it (priority), I am going to get it. I’m a domestic Goddess, so you will find that I have every tool/gadget for the kitchen which includes but is not limited to; tons and tons of dishes, forks, glasses, bakeware, electronics, juicer, blender, food processor, spirooli, mandolin, lemon juicer, citrus juicer, real food, herbs and spices. Why? Because it is extremely important (priority) that I eat to live. It’s also important that I have all my kitchen essentials because I want the prepping and cooking process to be as easy like Sunday morning. Cooking should be fun. It should never feel like a chore. Food should always be celebrated.
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My kitchen is not the average kitchen, for the simple fact that I am not the average person. Nothing about me is average. I don’t ‘try’ to be “more than average” because I don’t have to try. I was born like this. It’s in my DNA. I’m super organized. Always have been. My grandma’s DNA was passed to my mother and then down to me. Yes, as much as it sounds crazy, it is true. Take a look at your life. How much of you do you see in you mother/father/ ancestors? No matter how hard you may try to NOT become them, chances are you still share similar traits because of that DNA. So, my obsessive compulsive disorder to clean and be organized is in my blood. Thank God that trait didn’t skip over me, cause I can’t fathom being lazy or unorganized. If you ever want my blood pressure to rise, just put me in a dirty messy home and tie me up, restrain me or something. Yes you gotta tie me up, hold me back or something, cause I’m gonna clean it (even though I don’t live there). Yes, I do have the habit of walking into peoples house and start cleaning and decorating. (Sorry for side tracking).

Once everything is organized, dinner becomes a breeze. You can prep all your food and place them into containers until you are ready to cook your meal. In the culinary world, we call it “mise en place” which is simply getting all your ingredients for a specific dish and placing them on a sheet tray until you are ready to cook. That way you won’t forget anything and before you know it, your entire family will be like, “OMG dinner is done already!” And they will love you so much more and spread the word at how boss you are in the kitchen. How cool is that?

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Well, I hope you have been paying attention to the photos which represents the ‘mise en place’ for ackee with fresh cod loins. In Jamaica, it’s traditional to use salted cod (which is soaked in water to remove the excess salt). However, I use all kinds of fresh fish with my ackee and nobody notices the difference and the taste is always exceptional. Look at how flaky and well seasoned those cod loins are!
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I’ve even took the extra time to record a video for you, so you can make this on your own. Yes, I do love you like that.

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Watch the video and be sure to subscribe to my youtube channel so you can also learn to nourish with nature.
Are you going to try this recipe?

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