Are you inviting cancer and other chronic illnesses into your life? I’ve been asked “WHAT DO YOU USE ON YOUR SKIN? IT’S SO RADIANT!” Allow me to introduce myself: My name is Angeline and I’m an Angel…seriously. Those who know me since birth, call me Denise. I am a Jamaican, from Tivoli Gardens to be…
This holistic lifestyle has really changed me for the better. Am I loving it? Hell yeah! I must have been a vegan at some point in my past life. Then again, I could have also been a farmer or married to one. I know for a fact, I was housemaid or stay at home mom…
Surviving cancer and fighting endometriosis has totally transformed my life. Fiber has become a necessity, and if I don’t get enough, I literally go into withdrawal. Juicing has become habitual. Some people crave sweets but I crave earth foods. Right around that time of the month, I seriously crave vegetables. Not cold veggies though. I…
In an effort to heal myself of this endometriosis/adenomyosis, that I was diagnosed with about 4 years ago, I decided to eat myself to a healthier lifestyle. I’ve always enjoyed vegetables, only now my intake has and continues to grow substantially. My diet now consist of approximately 60 -70% of foods from the earth: fruits,…