

Could cancer be lurking in your beauty products?

Are you inviting cancer and other chronic illnesses into your life? I’ve been asked “WHAT DO YOU USE ON YOUR SKIN? IT’S SO RADIANT!” Allow me to introduce myself: My name is Angeline and I’m an Angel…seriously. Those who know me since birth, call me Denise. I am a Jamaican, from Tivoli Gardens to be…

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February 11, 2017

I’m healing! Thanks to Fresh Ginger, Raw Peanuts, Bitter Melon and more!

This holistic lifestyle has really changed me for the better. Am I loving it? Hell yeah! I must have been a vegan at some point in my past life. Then again, I could have also been a farmer or married to one. I know for a fact, I was housemaid or stay at home mom…

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January 21, 2017

Cucumber Apple Juice with Difala

Surviving cancer and fighting endometriosis has totally transformed my life. Fiber has become a necessity, and if I don’t get enough, I literally go into withdrawal. Juicing has become habitual. Some people crave sweets but I crave earth foods. Right around that time of the month, I seriously crave vegetables. Not cold veggies though. I…

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January 18, 2017

My Battle With Endometriosis Forced Me To Nourish With Nature

In an effort to heal myself of this endometriosis/adenomyosis, that I was diagnosed with about 4 years ago, I decided to eat myself to a healthier lifestyle. I’ve always enjoyed vegetables, only now my intake has and continues to grow substantially.  My diet now consist of approximately 60 -70% of  foods from the earth: fruits,…

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March 31, 2016

Chicken and Cauliflower Soup for endometriosis

Even though I could barely walk, I dragged myself to Venice beach yesterday. I didn’t drive. I couldn’t. I don’t even know how I got there. I was in the passenger seat kinda half asleep. I needed that vitamin D and the sun provided that beautifully. It was a gorgeous day and I HAD to…

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February 10, 2016