

Almond-Walnut-Oatmeal Porridge

My appetite has been majorly suppressed. I don’t know why, but I’m trying to back track to see what it was or is about my eating habits that has contributed to this suppression. I’m thinking it is the almonds that I have been overindulging in all week long. I AM IN NO WAY TRYING TO…

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November 4, 2012

Barley Porridge kissed with Nutmeg Spice

My grandma often talks about Barley and the many ways her mother prepared it. She would add it to soups, or season it with fresh herbs or prepared it for babies. She would rave about how healthy the babies appeared to be, after regular consumption of barley. The only connection I have made with barley,…

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June 9, 2012

Authentic Jamaican Hominy Corn Porridge

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.  If I skip or miss breakfast, it interferes with my mood.  I get totally dysfunctional.  I become cranky, easily aggravated and loose concentration. In order for me to perform 100% each day, I HAVE TO HAVE BREAKFAST.  It is just as important to me as sleep.…

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December 10, 2011