Lord, I thank you. Everyday. All day. And forever. Amen.
I accept the principle that abundance and prosperity have already been given to me and my family. Grocery shopping is a blessing, a privilege and a joy. If y’all only understood the level of excitement within my soul when I shop for food. Food excites me. Eating flavorful food excites me.
Am I thankful for my taste buds? Absolutely.
Am I thankful for these seasoned hands that God blessed me with? Absolutely.
Blessings pon top a blessings, spill over and dash weh! Somebody bring me a mop!
My blessings are abundantly ginormous and I’m oh so grateful.
I know, I talk about food with such passion. And it is indeed my passion. I’m proud to say that I am passionate about all things culinary. There is love in everything that I do . Because I am love.
All the time I hear, “Denise, you take food to another level. I thought I loved food but you ma’am, you’re just different.”
I’m flattered and humbled by those accolades.
Accolades along with passion are the driving force to creating culinary masterpieces such as this visually appealing, garlic shrimp and langostinos, with roasted tomatoes in white wine sauce, wrapped in spinach fettuccine. When I tell you that the first bite of this mouth watering delight humbled me. Believe me. It humbled me deep down into the depths of my soul.
I be wanting to marry my own food.
So when everyone at the table was carryon and having foodgasms, I understood.
When they begin to ask questions like, “Denise how did you get the pasta to be green? How did you get it to taste like this? How did you make this sauce? How come I ain’t never had anything like this at any restaurants before?” I simply smile.
They just don’t understand that there’s magic in these precious hands and I give thanks daily; continuously.
Thank you Lord for my unique gift. The one you created just for me and only me. Thank you for your unlimited blessings, guidance and protection on my family and I. Thank you for my exceptional taste buds; the full range of motion in my arms, hands and fingers; the ability to smell, taste, touch, feel, breathe and think.
And for all my loved ones who grace me with their presence at the table, I thank you.
Unity is love and I thank you for unconditional love. I’m blessed beyond measures. My soul is rich. Our soul is rich.
We are safe and all is well. Amen
Do you give thanks before each meal?