I done did it again! If I create another excellent meal one more time, I’m gonna crown myself. No, I’m not conceited, I’m simply feeling myself and I’m okay with that. I feel myself all the time. I cheer myself on, do a little dance, shake my ass and take another bite. That’s when you know your food is da bomb!
These snow crab legs….these snow crab legs….
Heavenly Father, I thank you for creating all things beautiful, from land to sea.
I thank you for snow crabs and their succulent meat.
I thank you for big juicy colossal size shrimps.
I thank you for butter and the beautiful cows from which they came.
I thank you for herbs, their medicinal value and the depths of flavors that they add to my food.
I thank you for aromatic spices.
I thank you for my big mouth and strong teeth to eat, chew and swallow.
I thank you for my big juicy lips. I thank you for my big juicy lips.
When the food is down in my belly and the juices are still on my lips, I thank you for my tongue to lick it one more time, to remind me of the masterpiece I have created through your manifestation, and the vision that you have for me.
I thank you for my digestive system.
I thank you for lemons and lemon juice to keep my system alkaline.
I thank you so much for turmeric that keeps the inflammation of the endometriosis at bay.
I bind the works of the endometriosis that want so badly to attack me each month.
Endometriosis you have no power over me!
Lord I thank you for revealing to me that food is indeed medicine.
Heavenly Father, I thank you for all your blessings.
With arms stretched outward, I receive my blessings and all that you and the universe has for me.