Food Grade Bentonite Clay made a believer out of me. I’m quite sure that you have heard about that awful flu virus that’s going around. The last count reported was that it had claimed 37 pediatric deaths. which I’m not too happy about. I almost contracted this virus, BUT in all honesty, I just don’t have time for that. I really don’t. I refuse to be sick. It’s worse than the H1N1 virus and there are no vaccines for it. Not that I’m at all the least bit interested in the vaccines. I don’t do vaccinations.
I discovered bentonite clay for quite some time now, but I hadn’t gotten around to using it. Y’all know by now, that I am usually the guinea pig on products that I recommend. I test them on myself, then I provide you with feedback.
I don’t know if you are like me, but if I feel a cold or other sickness coming on, I become proactive and hit my produce and apple cider vinegar really HARD. Y’all know that I already ‘go hard’ on fruits and veggies. What I’m saying is: I fight it off before it gets an opportunity to sink in. I can honestly say that I almost NEVER get sick.
Well that darn virus almost got me. I felt that sucker right in my belly. It wasn’t a good feeling. All I wanted to do was lay down in my bed. Anyway I got up out of my bed, peeled some root veggies and prepared a pot of chicken soup. I needed to get to the health food store to get the bentonite clay, but I didn’t want to chance driving there and then feeling really sick once I had returned home. If that happened then I would have been too lethargic to prepare the soup. I really needed my energy levels to soar because this feeling wasn’t nice.
So.. I made the soup in advance and ate it. It was d’luscious BUT the soup ran straight through me, which was not a good sign. I also wanted to bring some of the chicken soup for my dialysis patient but never made it. I just wanted to sleep. I needed to rest. I drove to the health food store and purchased a few ounce. FYI: it’s best to buy this product online because it is much cheaper, but this was an emergency. I needed it NOW!
Bentonite clay boasts a wealth of health benefits, which includes but is not limited to eliminating viral infections and parasites, and that is exactly what I needed it for. It can be taken internally as a detox, as well as mixed into a paste and applied topically for skin related issues like acne, eczema etc. It cleanses the liver and colon, balances bacteria, alkalizes the body, boost energy and all that great stuff. It works by attaching itself to the toxins and bacteria in your body and eliminating them. It is the main ingredient in most colon cleanser and detox products. Some cancer patients also use this after chemotherapy and radiation. You can also use it to wash your hair. I most definitely do. I even make my own toothpaste with it.
It is suggested that you take it on an empty stomach first thing in the morning, at least 1 hour before you eat any foods or take any supplements. You also need to drink lots of water throughout the day, about 8 – 10 glasses to assist with elimination. It’s also recommended that you take it with psyllium husk which is really fiber. I HAVE NEVER USED PSYLLIUM HUSK. I eat lots of fruits and veggies and juice religiously so I personally don’t feel the need to. DO NOT MIX FOOD GRADE BENTONITE CLAY IN A METALLIC BOWL OR USE METAL SPOONS. Use a plastic, glass or wooden utensils to mix the bentonite clay. You can do your own research as well.
Anyway I mixed a ½ teaspoon (I did increase the dosage to 1 teaspoon later on) with water in a small drinking glass and drank it. I swear…instantaneously the awful feeling in my stomach DISAPPEARED. I was up watching movies with my son D’Angelo the entire night, laughing my ass off. (We love comedies). I couldn’t believe that I was the same person, who could barely drive my car earlier on. I hadn’t even had a bowel movement yet and was feeling great. I drank some more soup before I went to bed and was fine!
I DID NOT do the psyllium husk fiber. I drank my homemade natural beet, carrot, ginger juice. I just can’t believe that with the first shot of this thing, I was back to normal. I am now on day 4 of this detox, so I don’t have to take any for another 3 days.
Are you going to add bentonite clay to your repertoire?