

Who would have thought that ratatouille made with simple ingredients including eggplant, would be so enlightening and satisfying to the soul. There is so much you can do with so little ingredients on hand. The same ingredients that I use to add massive flavors to my dishes becomes explosive on the taste buds in a manner that you would wow skeptics.

Bulking up on ratatouille and using this as a base for most of your dishes will make your life so much easier. If you are into meal prepping and don’t have much time to cook each day, this is life saver, especially if you are vegan or vegetarian. I usually prepare a huge batch and use it throughout the week for several recipes.  It’s so versatile and goes with pretty much anything.

Here are a few tips to make it even more spectacular:

Add some raw or cooked leafy greens toss it altogether and go to town on this bad boy.
Add your favorite pasta and a whole
Enjoy with rice, quinoa or your favorite grains
Add shrimp, beef, chicken or pork and toss together
Add your favorite roasted vegetable
Grate your favorite cheese on top
Create a mouth watering sandwich by filling up the center of your favorite breads. (ciabatta recommended)
If you are Jamaican, add cooked ackee. Thank me later!

Oh I forgot to give you the recipe!
It’s a no brainer. You can use as many or as little of the ingredients as you would like. For me, the more tomatoes the juicier.

Bell pepper
Your favorite herbs chopped (I like thyme, basil and oregano)
Extra virgin olive oil
Pink Himalayan Salt (as needed)
Cayenne Pepper (as needed)

Preheat oven to 400°F
Cut up all vegetables
Place all vegetables on sheet pan or roasting pan
Drizzle with extra virgin olive oil
Sprinkle with pink Himalayan salt and pepper
Toss to combine
Roast uncovered in oven for approximate 30-40 minutes (tossing halfway through)
Remove from oven and transfer to a bowl
Toss together in bowl
Sprinkle with chopped herbs


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