With all the rave and spotlight on rack of lamb, I decided to shine some light on rack of pork and give it the credit that it truly deserves deserves. Being that I roast just about everything, the idea of paring rack of pork with roasted root vegetables was brilliant and would compliment the dish in its entirety.
Herbs gives me life! I truly feel empty without herbs. Herbs are healing. When you cook with herbs, an award winning culinary delight with harmonious flavors is what you can expect. I simply cant imagine cooking without herbs; I gotta have at least one. It’s that ‘touch of something’ that balances and entire pot. I’m shattered without herbs. I feel incomplete without herbs. I go through withdrawal without herbs. If my herbs are getting low, anxiety kicks in. Yes, I get anxious. Or maybe it’s guilt. Knowing that I could have executed a boss ass meal by adding herbs, and didn’t, doesn’t sit well with my soul. It doesn’t represent me or my culinary beliefs.
Herbs creates a flavor profile that tantalizes any skeptics taste buds.When you bite into a juicy piece of meat encaved in herbs and spices, you savor every moment of that experience, as if you don’t want it to end. I have yet to entertain or share my food with someone who wasn’t intrigued by the elevation in taste from herbs.
What I’ve always heard is: “how did you get it to taste like that?”
I can review a recipe without cooking the actual dish and immediately determine if it will taste appealing, let alone satisfy my soul. It’s kinda like having a flavor calculator in my head coupled with my culinary expertise. Herbs are soul satisfying. Just like chicken soup warms your heart, herbs warms the soul. If you ain’t cooking with soul, then there is no point in cooking. In my book, when it comes to flavors; there’s levels to this game.
Black garlic is a game changer. The fermented process, takes the garlicky edge off of it, leaving you with sweet succulent candy garlic. Hats off to the individual who invented or even thought of this process because black garlic truly rocks. I created tiny slits inside the rack of pork and inserted pieces of black garlic throughout.
Wow, what a difference!
To cook with herbs, is to cook with love. It’s that simply. My rack of pork can’t get no succulent’er.
Life loves me and I’m loving life.