Rosemary and Sage infused Pork Belly


Pork Belly IMG_8804
Heavenly Father, Creator of the universe, help me!
Why must pork belly taste this good? Why must the pork belly call out my name whenever I’m food shopping? Why do I walk away with more than one slab? Why must everyone in my house fight over the pork belly? Why does everyone in my house love pork belly so much? Why must I devote so much love and attention when preparing it? I mean, those herbs and spices are gifts from the earth, that quickly changes the flavor profile into unconditional love, that only foodies can truly appreciate and understand.

Bless me father for I have sinned. This is my umpteenth confession. I don’t know what to do with myself and myself don’t know what to do with me, but we sho’ know what to do with this succulent and juicy pork belly, infused with aromatic rosemary and sage. Father we thank you for food. Thank you for my mother, because without her and my dad, I would not be here and would be highly upset  if I wasn’t born and later learned that I had missed out on all things culinary. I would have never found the love and passion for food, as I do now.

Thank you, for my uniqueness. Thank you for my gift. Thank you for these seasoned hands. Thank you for the earth and everything in it. Thank you for the people who love my food and look forward to it each and everyday. Thank you for blessing my family and I abundantly. We love you. We are grateful to you.


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