Did I ever tell you how much I love smoked paprika? At least once per week, I create one of my culinary delights utilizing this fantastic spice. Smoked Paprika Chicken happens to be one of the most requested meals in my home. Most of the times, I include it in my stews because, yes, the Jamaican in me, has molded me into a full fledged stewing officionada, finessing these highly seasoned culinary creations. Why do you think people from all over the world are fascinated with the herbaceous flavors of our food? Lucky for you, I felt like getting up in front of the camera, showing and telling how I really get down when I’m in my zone.
Many a times, you ask for recipes, and trust me, sometimes I really want to dish them out. The good thing is: My recipes aren’t designed with 4 and 5 ingredient. I am a goddess of flavor; bold, colorful, vibrant flavors to be exact. I enjoy being in my kitchen aka my sanctuary. It’s my primary food and it sure brings me so much joy, so I honestly, I don’t care how long I have to be in there. My recipes take time to formulate, but it’s gonna be a badass when you’re done. Your gonna wanna do it again. So buckle up, cause you are going to invest valuable time cooking up all this fantabu’luciousness.
Warning: If you are searching for a two ingredient recipe, stop reading right now. If you want to impress and tantalize your palate, keep reading.
For me, being in the kitchen is a highly appreciated gift. While it may seem like a chore to those who are totally uninspired, culinary challenged and feel the need to malice their kitchens; it’s the total opposite for me. I create my own take outs. I create healthy, d’luscious, restaurant quality meals. I customize dishes according to my health requirements. And you can do it too. Think of all the money you can save by cooking your own food.
I literally shudder sometimes when I have to eat other people’s food, especially when I notice an ingredient that I wouldn’t normally use. If I have to eat out, I even research restaurants before I make reservation. Seriously. No joke. Yes, I prefer farm to table restaurant cuisines because that is right up my alley. Even if they are not 100% my style, I will forgo the challenge and eat the food with gusto. After all, I just can’t be too too picky. There’s always room for compromise and truth be told, I ain’t perfect either.
So, I got up in front of the camera and demonstrated some of my tried and true cooking techniques. At the end of this labor of love, I’m salivating. I can kick my feet up and savor every single bite, cause I poured all my love and intentions into this amazing smoked paprika chicken.
You can watch me cook it up on my youtube channel and please remember to subscribe.
Are you going to try this recipe? Please come back and let me know!
I did also promise to jot down the recipe, so here is your Smoked Paprika Hen
Be Blessed!