If this sockeye salmon in blackberry sauce taste good one more time……..(in my Jamaican voice)
I’m gonna have to kiss myself. And I sho loves me some me!
I’m so grateful for this palate of mine. Fish is an excellent source of protein and the salmon provides that extra boost of omega 3 that does so much good for my body. I enjoy most fishes but salmon offers that melt in your mouth, buttery experience and requires minimal supervision and cooking time. This is one of the many occasions where dinner is served in as little as; or under twenty minutes; considering the rice needs to be steamed. I’ve been consuming a lot of turmeric rice with real turmeric. What can I say? I really enjoy the idea of having an awareness of the ingredients in my food.
Me personally; I don’t like too much of anything directly on my salmon, simply because I want to savor it’s authentic flavors. Salmon is simply different from all other fishes and the blackberry Sauce pairs excellently as it enhances the flavor without overpowering it. I could have eaten the whole salmon in one seating. I really could, but to balance the dish, I had to have my veggies, which in this case were roasted tomatoes, onions and mini bell peppers. There was definitely a partaay going on in my mouth!