Close your eyes. Breathe in. Breathe out. Imagine yourself sitting in front of this divine plate of lusciousness. A stainless steel fork has magically landed betwixt your fingers. You twirl your fork gently around the pesto zucchini and yellow squash zoodles as they dance lightly around the roasted heirloom tomatoes and onions, while ever so gently brushing against the basil infused sauce.
Hover over the shrimp and lobster. Graciously select either or both. Lift the fork to your mouth. Can you smell the aroma? Gently place that fork into your mouth. Your taste buds have exploded. You are in full control. This culinary delight is in alignment with your actions. Chew slowly. Savor the flavors. Chew. Swallow. Wasn’t that good?
Open you eyes. Are you feeling celestial?
I know I am.
The herbaceous rack of lamb is looking mighty fine right now.
Can you feel your fingers. Exercise your fingers. Move them around as if your playing the piano. You are a boss at this. Put those finger to work. No time to be shy now. Lightly lift the lamb chop with your fingers. Be ravenous. Tear it up. Chew. Alway remember to chew. Taste. Smell. Chew.
Enjoy. Because food should always be celebrated.
The foodie in me, honors the foodie in you.