Sweet Potato Bread


I woke up this morning with a vengeance for the kitchen. I had a lot of food on my mind. My intentions was to whip up a steak omelette with lots of onions and cheese and enjoy them with a few sweet potato pancakes drizzle with maple syrup. That thought quickly diminished as I was bombarded with other responsibilities. In any event, I was determined to satisfy my desire for sweet potatoes, so I whipped up this Sweet Potato bread instead.

Sweet Potato Bread
3 overripe bananas
1 ½ cup coconut sugar
3 cups roasted yams (scooped out and mashed)
2 cups all purpose flour
2 tsp aluminum free baking powder
1 tsp pink himalayan salt
2 Tbsp ground cinnamon
1 tsp ground cardamon
1 Tbsp ground ginger
A pinch of nutmeg
1 cup organic coconut oil
4 flax egg = 4 Tablespoons ground flaxseed: 12 Tablespoons water
Note: 1 flax egg is 1 Tbsp ground flax to 3 Tbsp water

Preheat oven to 350°F
Mix 4 flax egg and set aside for 5 minutes.
Using a whisk mash bananas, sugar, yams in a bowl. Fold in flax egg, then add coconut oil and combine. (You can also use a food processor to do this)
In separate bowl, add all purpose flour, baking powder, pink himalayan salt, cinnamon, cardamon, ginger and nutmeg.
Add wet ingredients to dry ingredients and combine using a spatula.
Pour batter into loaf pan.
Bake 350° F for 45 minutes or until toothpick inserted comes out clean.
Remove from oven and enjoy!

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