Thyme roasted pork belly with Roasted Red bell Peppers and Kabocha Squash


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If you haven’t been buying pork belly cuts, you really should. For a very long time, I was only able to enjoy pork when it was jerked. I really didn’t like it any other way. Slowly I began to build a tolerance for stewed pork.
Nowadays pork belly is winning!
Pork belly is one addictive piece of meat.


I’m a boss in the kitchen. Cooking gives me piece of mind. However, when I ponder on what to do with pork belly, I experience a certain adrenaline rush. Maybe, it’s because it’s sold so expensively as bacon, and I know that if I purchase a fresh slab of pork belly, the possibilities of creating something magnificent would be less expensive and even more d’luscious.

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At the time of my purchase, I noticed that I had the option of getting the slab with the rib attached. I was curious and wanted to explore the difference, so choose the slab with the rib. I had red bell peppers and a whole lot of it. My dishes are usually inspired by the ingredients I have on hand.  If you haven’t had roasted red pepper sauce, or roasted red peppers you really should add it to your repertoire. It fits in just about anywhere.

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Using my authentic blend of garam masala, I seasoned my pork belly to perfection and added fresh herbs. I knew it was gonna be heaven. Once the pork belly was cooked. I carefully sliced and basted it with the combination of pork juices and all the flavors that emanated from the bell peppers, herbs and spices. Oh how I wish you could have tasted it! Look at that!

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My plate. There’s the rib.
I get it now: ‘pork belly with the rib attached.’
The rib was on the underside of the pork belly.  It’s like getting an added bonus. The best of both worlds. I can live with that. The roasted butternut squash, sweet potatoes, and kabocha squash with romaine lettuce compliments the dish perfectly.
I listen to my body.
Sometimes my body doesn’t need rice or pasta. Root vegetables aka Ground foods as we Jamaicans call it, keeps me grounded and satiated.
All is well within my soul.

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