My first encounter with yellow watermelon was in Kingston, Jamaica at Coronation market. I’m a foodie from Tivoli Gardens who is not afraid to go and get her own produce. This foreigner goes to market! I was visiting and went shopping for produce and lo and behold, there it was! I had seen it all over the internet but never had the experience of tasting it. It tasted just like watermelon but the color contrast had me blown away.
Hollywood Farmers’ Market has become new Toys R Us.. I rarely stop at the grocery stores these days simply because the taste and quality of the produce at the farmers’ market far supercedes anything the supermarket has to offer. I enjoy supporting my local farmers, especially when they bust out produce like yellow watermelon and dragonfruit (of many colors). Once I spotted the guy with the dragonfruits, I had to approach him and ask if he actually HAD a dragonfruit tree. I really did have to ask.
See, the one thing I like about Hollywood farmers’ market is that everyone who sells produce, HAVE TO sell what they grow. It’s forbidden to purchase from discount or wholesale supermarkets, then pass on the produce there for profit. So I really had to ask. When the farmer confirmed, I had to buy two different varieties (the pink flesh and the magenta flesh). I’ve always seen the ones with the white polk a dot flesh but never these.
OMG I swear, these were the most sweetest dragonfruits I have ever tasted in my life. It was FRESH and picked from a tree sometime during that week (I’m assuming), maybe a day or two before bringing it to the farmers’ market. Supermarkets should be ashamed. There is absolutely no comparison to freshly picked produce. I don’t mind paying the extra dollars for EXCELLENT TASTE. My palate is very sophisticated and screams for flavor. These dragonfruits and watermelon didn’t have to do much to finesse me. God knew what he was doing when he created these produce.
Food is life!
And you know I’m gonna whip these bad boys into an awesome smoothie, right?