Which Juicer Do You Use?


Ange’luscious, which juicer do you use?

It never fails, every single time I upload a video or post of myself juicing; I get asked this question. And I totally get it. I took me a while to invest in a juicer because I believed that the blender I had was performing excellently. So I began my quest to invest in a juicer but didn’t quite understand that all juicers are not created equal. I ended up with a mediocre juicer that I purchased for about $40, which I returned immediately after the first use, because the motor smelled as if it was burning.

After speaking to a friend at my unsuccessful attempts at finding a juicer that really works, she introduced me to this juicer and I never looked back. Keep in mind that there are centrifugal juicers such as the Omega BMJ 330, which tends to be less expensive, a little louder and may be perfect for beginners who really want to achieve the benefits of juicing without breaking the bank.  Then there is the masticating juicer such as the Omega VRT 350, which is my absolute favorite, though more expensive, It’s rather quiet and extracts the life out out of your fruits and vegetables yielding more juice. And who doesn’t want more juice. I sure do!

If you have been struggling with health issues and is eager to heal your body from the inside out, without the use of prescription or over the counter drugs,  be sure to grab a copy of my of my juice ebook Nourish with Nature right here. I promise, you will not be disappointed.

In an effort to simplify my life and yours, I’ve done the honors of creating a video just for you.

Please watch and remember to subscribe to my YouTube Channel.
Thanks in advance!

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Be blessed!

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2 thoughts on ““Which Juicer Do You Use?”

  • Christine Gregory

    I have been following you the first day I see you on fb. I have been juicing for about fifteen years I love it.
    I purchase ur book but I didn’t not no it was a ebook so I have to wait until one of my kids can help me to understand how to go bout using it.
    I love ur juice. Pamagrnite and beets with ginger we love.

    • Angeluscious Post author

      Thank you for following me and for your continued support. Please let me know if your children have helped you with downloading your ebook. You won’t be disappointed. So glad you are loving the pomegranate juice!

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