Stewed Parrot Fish with Purple Cauliflower and Cabbage


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I’m feel so blessed to be able to find these irresistible pieces of gems called food. The hard core produces harvested by these amazing farmers always seems to put me so much more in touch with my higher self and nature. I’m so grateful. The majority of the produce that I find at farmer’s market are never seen in the supermarkets.Yes, I’ve seen purple cauliflower but not like this. Supermarket produce are so uniformed. As a chef, It really takes the fun out of cooking and making food fun and exciting.

stewed parrot fish with purple cauliflowerdsc_1440
I wish I had taken a photo of the cauliflower. I may have to dig into my archives. They don’t look anything like the standard cauliflower from the supermarket. Maybe it’s classified as ugly food. Whatever the reason, I’m simply grateful for farmers and being able to connect to them on a personal level. No middle man included. Food excites me! Every single time, that I’m able to make a connection to real food and its origin, I feel even more blessed and inspired. I can’t wait to have my own farm. It is my lifelong dream to be able to walk into my backyard and harvest all that I need for dinner.

Are you connecting with and supporting your local farmers?



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