Socca with Herbs and Cheese


Socca!!!!! Those edges are simply gorgeous! Ok, so you’re probably wondering what the heck is socca. It’s a flourless cake made from chickpea. I baked a cake but depending on the amount you use in the pan, it can easily be made into a pancake or a flatbread.

I don’t have celiac disease, however I recently discovered that I have sensitivities to gluten, I do like to play with flours for many reasons. What if I have a client or customer whose sensitive to gluten? I need to be able to meet those needs. I’m a Holistic Health Coach, Chef and Caterer who never copy recipes blindly from the internet and pass them on to others. I’m a recipe developer, which means I have spent time and effort in creating healthy and d’luscious recipes that you will want to prepare over and over again.
Socca with herbs and cheeseDSC_0706

I added tons of flava with herbs and cheese. Had to cut it while it was hot, cause it was begging to be touched. This is heaven!

What are your go-to gluten free flours?

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