Beef Burgers with Grilled Vegetables


Vegetables are vital for optimal health and an essential staple in my home.  love roasted vegetables and have a depth of love for any combination of grilled vegetables. My Son D’Angelo loves burgers and since we don’t eat fast food, I have to satisfy his cravings per his many request, hence these beef burgers on the grill with vegetables.

Juicy and succulent burgers over the flaming grill gives that distinct flavor that my son D’Angelo loves. He swears it’s the best thing ever and vows not to eat burgers anywhere else on the planet. I despise boring food that lacks flavor.  My specialty burgers depends  entirely on my mood and what awesome vegetables are stocked in my sanctuary. Kale has become one of my favorite vegetables, and even more so when grilled. That flavor is just out of this world.

I like my burgers with ciabatta rolls, but D’Angelo requested ‘regular’ rolls, and since I’m in the business of giving my customers what they request; even if I gave birth to them, I always aim to please. Please forgive me if my hospitality is a little over the top. The burgers were just as d’luscious with the ‘regular’ rolls and the grilled vegetables super transformed and enhanced the flavor.  The combination of grilled vegetables was crisp and fresh and so amazingly d’luscious, it would have probably persuaded a vegetarian to eat meat   I’m not in the business of having anyone eat or do anything against their will, but I’m just saying….

Now these ain’t your average burgers. How many times can I reiterate the fantastic flavors from the  grilled vegetables? I know I’ve mentioned that several times but my mouth is doing the happy dance. Grilled beef burgers with vegetables rock!

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