

Ackee with Roasted Cauliflower, Cabbage and Okras

Stop counting calories and start counting chemicals. All the threadmill, cycling, kickboxing, cardio and all the exercise in the world isn’t adequate to maintaining optimal health. YOU NEED TO EAT!  Yes, if you wanna maintain a steady weight, you need to eat. Food is not your enemy. The culprit is unhealthy food selections. If your…

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March 16, 2016

Ackee with Purple Cauliflower

My son Robert is the world biggest akee consumer. I’ve never seen an American born child that loves ackee so much. If he could have it his way, it would be ackee with cod fish/salt fish every single time.  Funny enough, my younger son D’Angelo will only eat cauliflower if it’s served with ackee. I…

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September 14, 2014

Pumpernickel Toast with Grilled Sockeye Salmon, Ackee and Avocado

Finding new and improved ideas and techniques for cooking and serving ackee is intriguing. Reinventing and recreating ackee dishes has become an obsession that I choose to live with. Ackee is a component of Jamaica’s national dish. The food enthusiast in me, always wants to turn it up a notch or maybe two. It’s  smooth…

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May 20, 2014

Ackee with Grilled Sockeye Salmon

Of all the ackee dishes that I have reinvented, remixed and redeemed; ackee with grilled sockeye salmon is the epitome of all things ackee….in my opinion of course. I have eaten ackee with just about everything, callaloo, chicken, pork, mackerel, herring, cauliflower and shrimp; and even though they were all absolutely d’luscious, there is something…

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February 20, 2014

Ackee and Saltfish Fritters

Frying really isn’t as bad as they make it out to be. I fry all the time and don’t even care. Ain’t nobody gonna scare me from eating great, d’luscious food…nobody! Believe it or not, the problem with frying isn’t the fried food; it’s  the unhealthy oils that are used to fry the food. As…

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December 21, 2013