For years, I’ve been asked, “Where do you find time to cook?” My initial response is, “I don’t find time. I make time.” People usually make time for what is important to them. Think about what is important to you. Don’t you always make time for it? Ensuring that my family is nourished with nature…
Do you journal your breakfast ideas before you go to bed at night? I do it quite often. I journal lots of things. When I wake up in the mornings, I journal my dreams, affirmations or gratitude for the day. If I wait until later in the day, I may forget intricate details of the dream.…
I love porridge! My family loves porridge and we all have our favorites. Growing up in Jamaica, porridge was our cereal. Before sending us off to school, my grandma would sometimes make porridge for us (my cousins and I). We didn’t have cold cereals in the mornings. In Jamaica, cornflakes is considered a luxury item because…
As I reminisce on Sunday mornings with my Grandma in Jamaica, I can still smell the aroma wafting through the house. Beef kidneys with fried dumplings was one of our favorites. Sometimes she made liver and light, but the kidneys always won my heart. Nowadays, it’s winning my children’s hearts. My American born children. I…
I was busy researching/studying and decided to quickly run into my sanctuary (the kitchen) and reheat some left overs that I had prepared the night before. The goal was to pop my leftovers in the oven (I don’t use microwave), set my timer and return to researching/studying. Lo and behold, I waltzed into my sanctuary and my…