Root Vegetable


Beetroot and Purple Potato Chips

Now that I’m aware of the toxicity that’s hidden in most foods on the shelves in the grocery stores, I’m surprised at how disciplined I can be. Food disciplines me. Cooking from scratch allows me to omit ingredients that no longer serves my higher being. For me, it’s also quality control. I know exactly what’s…

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February 7, 2015

Herb Roasted Chicken with Garlic Risotto

I probably eat chicken more than any other meat. My annoying children and I  indulge in poultry more often than any other meat. Like, I’m trying to get in my zone right now and they are constantly in my ear. Can tomorrow come any sooner? They will be off to school and then I will…

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October 26, 2014

Chuck Roast with Rosemary Roasted Vegetables

Every Jamaican uses thyme in their meals. For me, it’s that essence which is rendered and the depth of flavor it provides to my culinary creation. In my world, thyme is boss, BUT….and that’s a huge BUT; rosemary is giving thyme a run for its money.  These are two herbs that I always have on…

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July 30, 2014

Roasted Rosemary Cauliflower with Purple Potatoes and Carrots

Consuming vegetables on a regular basis can be challenging to some, but that’s probably because you may not be preparing it with as much love as you should, or you the technique used may not have been suitable for that specific food. I have a quick fix for that: Roast Your Veggies. Over the years, I…

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June 17, 2014

Raw Beets and Sweet Potato Detox Salad

Whomever told you that sweet potatoes can’t be eaten raw; lied….period. Drizzle on some olive oil, add a sprinkle of sea salt and pepper, toss it all together and you will be amazed! Here I have a combination of purple beets, chioggia beets (that’s the one that has the red and white spirals inside and resemble a candy…

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November 22, 2013