Cioppino (Seafood Stew)



Ain’t this a bowl of sunshine? Looking all electric, eclectic and the likes of everything d’luscious!
I wasn’t feeling my usual self, but I craved seafood and drove to several different food supply to find the ingredients to satisfy my craving for cioppino (seafood stew).  I needed wild caught shrimp.

Lately, I have been struggling to find wild caught shrimp. I had found an exceptional brand with plump, juicy jumbo shrimps, without preservatives of course; but now I can’t seem to find any. The supermarket continues to carry their brand in other items but fails to supply my demand of this succulent shrimp. I wonder: Was I the only one buying the shrimp from that supermarket? I could have sworn I was buying lots of it because you could always find two or three pounds in my freezer at any given time. Until I find out where I can find wild caught shrimp of similar quality, I simply have to make do with what’s available.

The wild caught clams and crab were equally amazing! I wanted to add scallops and sockeye salmon as well but maybe next time. The  roasted tomatoes in the white wine sauce was a soothing blend of pot liquor to the palate and to this glorious pot of seafood. My guests were putting the bowls to their heads and drinking up all this good juice.

This seafood stew went way too fast. When I tell you they devoured it like ravish savages, it was devoured!
All I kept hearing was “Denise, you know what you doing!”
And my cocky self replied: “I know.”

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