Shrimp and pasta in roasted tomato white wine sauce topped with grated parmigiano reggiano! Heavenly Father rescue me! This bowl of goodness is driving me insane!
Whenever curiosity held it’s head high, my grandma used to say, “Curiosity kill Ms. Thomas puss.” Even though my curiosity hasn’t and won’t kill me, it sure has transformed and lead me from one culinary adventure to another. Back when I shopped in the middle isle’s of the supermarket (I cook everything from scratch now, so I don’t anymore, except for things like rice and pasta), I would stroll the isle’s of the supermarket and analyze just about everything on the shelves. One of the things I was curious about were processed cheese, cheese spread, cheese sauces, and the ‘so called’ grated parmesan cheese. I would stand there and analyze every freaking brand. I would also read the ingredients even though (at that time) wasn’t aware that the unfamiliar ingredients that I could never pronounce, were not healthy to say the least bit. I now avoid chemicals and artificial ingredients.
I used to buy spaghetti sauces too…but not anymore. Once I learned how easy it was, it became habitual. Whenever I bought bottled sauces, I always felt compelled to add my personal touch to spruce it up a bit.
Fast forward: I haven’t bought any jarred sauces in ages.
In my cookbook From My Taste Buds To Yours, I was compelled to demonstrate how easy it is to roast vegetables and create dishes that most would consider impossible.
This herb lady relies on bold flavors to create an impact on the palate and shrimp with roasted vegetables speaks loud and clear. I prefer to buy cheese by the block, such as the parmigiano reggiano which adds a burst of rich flavor. I avoid grated cheeses because they tend to have unnecessary fillers. I use my food processor for shredding cheeses all sorts of veggies but for this culinary masterpiece, my handy dandy microplane grater worked just fine.
Get into the habit of roasting your food. Believe me, your palate will never be the same.