Though meat has been giving me a warm time lately, it doesn’t bother my family one bit. They are hard core carnivores and as such, my loyalty to cook and feed them remains the same. I was a bit apprehensive when I purchased the mutton. Out of curiosity, I wondered if I would enjoy this boss ass meal after putting my heart and soul into it. Now, if I’m cooking, I wanna eat too. If only you understood how many hours I spent in my kitchen finessing healthy meals. Damn near everything is done from scratch. It’s only right that I enjoy it right along with the rest of the family. I mean, if you were the head cook in the kitchen, would you want to be cooking for everyone else, knowing darn well that you wouldn’t partake of the food and festivities?
All i’ve been eating for the past few months is chicken, turkey and seafood, however this mutton called out to me. Have you ever went shopping and the food calls out to you? Happens to me all the time!
For a minute, I questioned if my body was going vegan or wants to go vegan or something as I’ve been gravitating towards more earth foods and less meat. This This turned out to be fantabu’luscious! I haven’t had curry mutton in a while, so I’m happy that I enjoyed it as well. It didn’t taste weird at all. (Must have been local).
Rice and peas was greatly appreciated by the house.
Having the desire for less meat forces me to become more creative with my meals. You’re probably wondering what the heck I’m talking about. In your head, I’m as culinary creative as they come, but in my head, I’m not even half way where I truly wanna be. I love it when my creative juices ‘overfloweth’ and guides my brain through the process of concocting and conjuring up menus in head, knowing the exact flavor profiles that will send my culinary delights soaring to new heights.
I really do create menus for my household and knew exactly what the ingredients in my chickpea salad would be. I adore warm salads, but I knew that I wasn’t in the mood for roasted vegetables. My body wanted chickpea and olives. My brain added all the other ingredients. By the way, my chickpea salad is comprised of golden spiralized beets, cucumbers, tomatoes, kalamata olive, mint, dill and hemp seeds. My body simply can’t seem to get enough of those hemp seeds.
My plate… as in my dinner; because rice sometimes feel so heavy. A nice drizzle of balsamic vinegar on my salad and I’m good to go.
Other angle. Looks great huh?
And my dinner would not be complete without natural juices…
Would you like rice and peas, chickpea salad or curry mutton?