What do you do when you have left over boiled dumpling? I love to fry them and I know lots of other people who enjoy frying them too. It’s crispy on the outside and chewy on the inside. I guess you can call it a crispy, chewy, dumpling fries or better yet, fried dumpling.
Leftovers usually taste better the next day. I hate to waste food, so it’s not unusual for me to recycle a dish. I could have reinvented this dish with a host of variations but today I chose to keep it simple. I will pat dry these dumplings to remove all the moisture, then fry them in extra virgin organic coconut oil.
Taro root is what Jamaicans refer to as coco. It happens to be one of our favorite starches. Jamaicans love ground provision, which you will often notice alongside most of our dishes, whenever we aren’t in the mood for rice. If it ain’t rice, it’s ‘grung food!’ Boiled coco has the texture of potato but a whole lot smoother and starchier and I love it! Nothing is more comforting than gracing a piece of coco into your sauce. Once it’s fried, it takes on an whole different texture and transforms into d’uscious fries.
Have you ever tried frying these awesome starches? If you haven’t you really should.
Feast your eyes on this beautiful gift from God. Can you see the crunchy exterior? It is beyond satisfying. Just imagine yourself biting into that!
These golden brown delicacies are fit for a Goddess, like myself. I recycled these boiled produce into fried d’lusciousness and enjoyed it with steamed purple callaloo.
Watch this video to see how I created this awesome culinary delight.