Rosemary infused Curry Goat with Rice and Peas (Red kidney Beans)


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If I didn’t know better I would think my children were from another world. They sho’ loves them some Jamaican food. Even thought they are Americans, I’m so glad I didn’t raise them on burgers and fries and that oh so SAD (Standard American Diet). Their introduction to REAL FOOD began long before their birth.  Curry goat is one of their all time favorites and even though I don’t cook it every single week; whenever I do, they devour this gamey meat like savages.

I can’t blame them for loving curry goat especially when it’s infused with rosemary; and since I don’t use artificial seasonings, I rely heavily on herbs to season my culinary delights and rosemary is boss! Rosemary compliments gamey meat like jerk seasoning does chicken. Even though I add other herbs such as thyme, whose scent is simply captivating, the rosemary awakens the flavors and your senses to higher levels.

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I strongly recommend that you add lots of herbs to your culinary repertoire. Step outside of the box for a minute and experience difference cuisines around the world. Your taste buds will thank you.  My Jamaican background leads me to thyme, but Ive learned that different parts of the world use herbs that are indigenous to their geographic location and compliment their meals excellently.

If you’ve never used rosemary before. Get it the next time you are out shopping. Add it to your curry goat, beef, chicken or pork. Let me know how you like it.

You’re welcome!

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