Curry Crab with Shrimp


Curry Crab with Shrimp DSC_0028
My overly ambitious child Robert has a very sophisticated palate just like his mother. Chicken is the one meat he refuses to eat everyday. On the other hand, he will consume shrimp daily without complaints. Chicken is versatile and assumes the flavor of just about anything that you add to it, and  I don’t mind eating it regularly, but these children of mine are entirely different.

Sometimes my youngest son D’Angelo rubs it in, “mom you cook chicken a lot!”
Me: “How about you cook something then?”
D’Angelo: “No thank you. I’m good”.
Then he has this thing about him not eating leftover rice. He has to have it fresh. For a child who doesn’t care to cook, he sure is demanding. Don’t get me wrong, he can help himself, but he is so bacon and eggs whenever he has to cook for himself.
I honestly believe both my boys are blessed to have chosen me as their mother.

Well, we happened to be on one of Robert’s ‘I’m tired of chicken day’. Mind you, since the beginning of the week, we had been eating various meals which included, chicken, beef, pork, beans, vegetables…you know how I do. For the love of my children, I whipped out my handy dandy cookbook, looked at the Curry Golden Crabs recipe and immediately knew what we would have for dinner and I better cook that FRESH rice for D’Angelo.  Did I mention that this mouth watering culinary delight was da bomb!

I’m amazed that I even allow them to manipulate me the way they do, (keeping me in the kitchen for long hours). I love the kitchen though. It’s my sanctuary. It gives me such peace of mind and comfort.  I do hope they find wives that cook. If not, they can always gift her my cookbook. It’s never to late to learn.

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