Stewed Fish with Roasted Carrot and Beet Salad


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These days, I’m feeling really good about myself and my eating habits. I really am. I remember when I used to add all kinds of toxic ingredients to my sauces. Little did I know; I was addicted to the chemicals, additives and artificial ingredients in those seasoning packets. For a minute, I thought I couldn’t live or cook without them. As I became more health conscious, I realized that those chemicals were not only toxic, but also contributed to the health issues I once struggled with.

Now, I conjure up awesome sauces without the chemical laden packets and to my surprise, my food taste so much better!  When I say cook from scratch without sacrificing flavors, this is what I’m taking about.  Herbs and spices does it for me every single time.

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How often do I cook stewed fish?
I dunno. Maybe once a week. I can’t resist. Each time, I get to tweak the recipe and customize it, just for me. I couldn’t resist adding a recipe for stewed fish in my cookbook either.  I mean, who doesn’t love a flavorful, herbaceous stew paired with seafood?

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I’m not afraid of starches, especially when they are in their natural form. Carbs have nothing on me, so I don’t worry about it. I’d rather get my carbs from unprocessed food in its natural state such as this beautiful piece of taro root. Of course, I’m gonna add boiled dumplings too. I’m Jamaican and that’s what we do. We love our dumplings dearly. It’s all about balance.
Food doesn’t scare me one bit. I embrace food because food should always be celebrated.

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My roasted beet salad is adorbs! Lettuces, edible kale flowers, tomatoes, roasted beets and everything else in this bowl is stunning.
Can’t wait to dig in!

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This piece of cocoa aka taro root is just the right amount for me. The roasted carrots, beets, tomatoes, the lettuces are absolutely mouthwatering and filling. I won’t be going to the pot for seconds because my meal is nutrient dense.

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I told you I was gonna add dumpling. I don’t need four or eleven dumplings. This is just right.

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There is sauce all over my salad. It adds a nice touch. I use if as my salad dressing. Have you noticed the ingredients in the store bought salad dressings? I’ll pass. Vinaigrettes are so super easy to make but in this case and in most cases, I drizzle the sauce over my veggies to intensify the flavor. I even drizzled some over my dumpling and taro root (cocoa).

I really wish you could taste it because honestly, it neva affi nice suh!

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