I’m in deep awe; grateful for God’s bounty and all the blessings and prosperity He has bestowed on my family and I. Forever grateful I am. Speechless, without words to describe my journey and transformation into a healthier, holistic lifestyle. Thankful for the brain I was born with, that has been, and is still under construction for several years; rethinking, retraining, reconditioning and removing a lot of what I was taught. I am blessed. I remain blessed.
My thanksgiving has transformed into a happy and joyful Thanksliving. I am thankful for life. I am blessed beyond measures. Blessed with the ability to infuse my traditional comfort foods with cuisines around the world, laced with foods from the earth, without sacrificing flavors. It’s the foods from the earth that ignites my being; brings awareness and takes me on a deeper level of consciousness, vibrating on a higher frequency. My journey has become my testimony. A journey I am willing to share with those who are willing to listen and learn.
Don’t you just wanna devoured these mushroom oxtails with those oh so buttery lima beans?
My passion is skyrocketing out of control. I’m thirsty. The infinite information on all things culinary, healthy and holistic has me thirsty, craving for more. As long as I’m thirsty, I’ll never be bored. My calling may seem challenging to others but I’m right in my comfort zone, where I belong. Just as this curry goat belongs on the platter. Oh my goodness! There outta be a law for food looking this great!
I carved the succulent, juicy, rosemary jerk turkey (recipe in my cookbook), to simplify and to create a pleasant culinary experience for everyone. Living the life of a chef, you find joy in serving others. The cranberry, mango pineapple sauce complimented not just the turkey, but the entire spread.
Am I impressed by my kale salad? Heck yeah! I was really looking out for flowering purple and white kale. For some strange reason I only find it in the fall. So glad I was able to create something magical. Where do I get my ideas? I have no idea. My culinary imagination simply flows when I’m in my sanctuary aka my kitchen. Food inspires me.
And let’s not forget; everything in moderation. You begin to love fruits even more when you buy seasonal produce. Pomegranates are in season, so are persimons. They were practically giving away the grapes and the apples at the farmers’ market. So word to the wise: shop for produce when they are in season, create something magical, eat to your heart’s content. Be blessed and Happy Thanksliving!
What are you thankful for?