Had anyone predicted that I would be super crazy in love with vegetables, I would’ve probably given them the blank stare, which is what I normally do to avoid being rude or saying something that would be interpreted as offensive; while in the back of my mind, I’m saying, “this child is crazy!” Right now I am…
Do you see how large this fish is? Can you see how huge this fish is? The pan it sits in is 11×13 inches in length and width. The fish is the size of a pink salmon. You’re probably wondering why I am asking all these questions. As you can see, I exerted plenty of love…
Sexiness is a natural gift. It’s effortless. It exudes a tantalizing appeal. Yes I’m talking about food. Only a foodie will express their love for food and have it automatically translated into a sexual impression. Isn’t that amazing? For years, I would be interrupted during my food speeches, with comments such as: “you talk about food like its sex!” I…