

Roasted Chicken with Vegetables – Homemade Boxed Lunch

Had anyone predicted that I would be super crazy in love with vegetables, I would’ve probably given them the blank stare, which is what I normally do to avoid being rude or saying something that would be interpreted as offensive; while in the back of my mind, I’m saying, “this child is crazy!” Right now I am…

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May 20, 2012

Oven Roasted Parrot Fish and Vegetables

Do you see how large this fish is? Can you see how huge this fish is? The pan it sits in is 11×13 inches in length and width. The fish is the size of a pink salmon. You’re probably wondering why I am asking all these questions. As you can see, I exerted plenty of love…

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April 16, 2012

Sexy Roasted Chicken with Golden and Purple Beets

Sexiness is a natural gift. It’s effortless. It exudes a tantalizing appeal.  Yes I’m talking about food. Only a foodie will express their love for food and have it automatically translated into a sexual impression. Isn’t that amazing? For years, I would be interrupted during my food speeches, with comments such as: “you talk about food like its sex!” I…

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March 26, 2012

Braised Beef Chuck Roast with Broccoli and Cauliflower

I honestly didn’t want to get out of bed this morning. I really didn’t. However, the show must go on. I wasn’t in the mood for a traditional Jamaican dinner or breakfast, neither was I in the mood for a glazed ham or collards.  I prepared all that on Thanksgiving day and just wasn’t feeling…

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December 25, 2011