

Crispy Pork Belly with Root vegetables and Boiled Green bananas

Yummy, crispy PORK BELLY, coco (taro), boiled green bananas with crispy, tender green beans. Aaahhhh I’m in heaven!  Pork belly got me like whoa! The skin is crispy and reminds me of crackling, while the meat is simply tender succulent and juicy. I get in my moods sometimes and do all kinds of creative things…

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July 18, 2016

Rosemary and Sage infused Pork Belly

Heavenly Father, Creator of the universe, help me! Why must pork belly taste this good? Why must the pork belly call out my name whenever I’m food shopping? Why do I walk away with more than one slab? Why must everyone in my house fight over the pork belly? Why does everyone in my house…

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March 8, 2016

Christmas Dinner at Ange’luscious

“Mom, what’s on the menu for Christmas?” “Well I wasn’t planning on cooking too much. I’m gonna take it easy. I was thinking rib eye or rib roast.” “That’s it? No ham? No crabs?” “I’ll cook some crab if you want but it’s gonna be crab legs. I don’t mind cooking the ham but I…

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December 27, 2015

Pork and Shrimp Fried Rice with Pineapples

The roasted rosemary pork I had previously prepared, was begging to be reinvented!  Knowing exactly how this dish would be transformed, I wasted no time putting together this wicked ensemble of Asian combinations. Who doesn’t love Chinese food? For that extra boost of  flavor and texture, I didn’t hesitate to add the shrimp and pineapples.…

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August 15, 2015

Roasted Picnic Pork

Now ain’t that a pretty piece of pork. Makes me hungry just looking at it. I’m not afraid to admit that even I drool over my own culinary creations. I would be a fool not to. After putting all the love and flavor and energy into this, who wouldn’t want to eat it all? Look…

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March 21, 2015