Roasted Tomato Bruschetta with Portabella Mushrooms, Prosciutto and Basil


Roasted Tomato BruschettaI’m busy snapping photos of yet another one of my awesome culinary creations, roasted tomato with portabella mushroom, prosciutto and basil bruschetta, and my son D’Angelo is having a tantrum. At 14 years and soon to be 15 years old, you would think the young man would get a grip.
“Mom can we just eat it already?”
I’m ignoring him because he knows better. NOBODY EATS UNTIL I’VE TAKEN PHOTOS OF THE FOOD. Yes, it’s the story of a food blogger’s life. I may take a thousand photos and find only one that I’m please with, therefore he’s just gonna have to wait.

Roasted Tomato and Mushroom bruschetta

I’ve finally captured enough photos and granted him and my niece Brihana permission to eat. He reaches in the center for what seemed like the largest piece.
“D’Angelo did you really have to do that.”

D'Angelo's hands reaching for the bruschetta “How about we all settle on four mom?”
(Suck Teeth) yeah we Jamaicans suck teeth A LOT.

D'Angelo giving thumbs up

He had me make half of the bruschetta with mushrooms and the other half without. He claims he doesn’t eat mushrooms. You should have seen him tearing up the ones with the portabella mushrooms.
“OMG it really taste good mom!”
“I thought you said you didn’t like mushrooms.”
“Well not on its own, because I can’t really just eat it like that. But this is awesome!”
He gave me a thumbs up.
I’ve fed this boy mushrooms on so many occasions and it’s never been a concern. Forgetful he is. Or he simply chooses not to remember.
Short lived, satiating and d’luscious, not before long, the bruschetta was all gone…

bruschetta all gone

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